Eurosport armature. 38T 28G, 300 stack len, 480 stack dia, 1.5mm shaft
Reduced from £50
Proslot 38T 27G armature. 480 stack dia, 360 stack len, 199 comm dia.
Reduced from £20
Proslot SpeedFX S16D arm. Brand new with trued com. 2 available at £10 each
F1 Koford Strap Arm. 200 stack len, 475 stack dia, 44T 29G, Comm 198, 1.5mm shaft
Reduced from £30
Valiko Armatures. All brand new and unused. I have 25G, 27G, 28G, 29G & 30G available in a variety of turns and stack lengths. All available at £15 each. There i
1 x 38T27G 300 stack
1 x 40T27G 300 stack
2 x 40T28G 300 stack
1 x 42T28G 250 stack
2 x 45T28G 250 stack
2 x 37T28G 250 stack
1 x 44T28G 300 stack
1 x 48T28G 300 stack
All reduced from £15 each
Proslot armatures. All brand new and unused. I have
42T29G 300
42T29G 300 x 2
48T28G 300
32T28G 250 x2
43T28G 300
40T28G 300 x 3
40T28G 250
32T28G 250 x 2
42T28G 250
45T28G 300 x 5
35T27G 300 x 3
28T27G 300
25T27G 250
28T27G 300
28T25G 300
22T25G 300 x 2
Reduced from £15 each.
Koford armatures. In a variety of stack sizes and turns. All brand new and unused. I have
22T 25G 300 stack x 1
19T 24.5G 300 stack x 2
31T 27G 250 stack x 4
All at £10 each"
Retro Camen strap motor. Fitted with Koford I15 armature 420 stack length, 500 dia
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